Apr 06, 2023

Can a Small Business Speaker Make Your Customers Happier?

According to Monte Wyatt's statistical study performed on the return on investment for business coaching, he found that after coaching, his clients' complaints decreased by 34%. Anything that can improve the happiness of your customers by over a third is well worth investing in, isn't it? When you have happier customers, you're likely to see an increase in revenue as well as clientele loyalty to your company. Here are some ways that business coaching through a small business speaker can improve your customer happiness so you can reap the benefits!

An Outside Perspective

A small business speaker can look at your company without the sentimentality that you have for business practices and determine what is working, and what is leaving your customers without. That old record-keeping system you've got your entire customer base on probably dates back to the 90s if you're struggling with client upkeep. There's no good reason to throw out something that still works, but if an existing system isn't fostering customer relationships and making your life easier, it's useless to your business. Throw it out and start over! A small business speaker can point out the problems in your business with the clarity of someone who hasn't been living in them for years.

After the Seminar

The hardest part of a business coaching seminar is the part that comes afterward. You go to a seminar with the best of intentions and plan to implement the coach's recommendations immediately. So why does it seem like immediately afterward, these recommendations slide into the past along with the coach? Because entrenched business practices are hard to change. If you have a hard time treating the seminar as a wake-up call to the things your business is doing wrong, your seminar should include an accountability coach. He can make sure you implement the hard-won business wisdom you learned so you can give your customers exactly what they deserve.

Small business speakers are important to the happiness of your customers since their satisfaction stems from how well your company functions in and of itself. Every business needs both outside perspective and follow-through in order for the impact of these seminars to reach all the way to your clientele. Call today to schedule your next business-changing coaching session!

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